Life at WCS
With Waldorf education as an inspiration, students at Woodland experience a profound sense of rhythm in their days at school. Class begins with a morning verse as a time for the children to come together with intention and a sense of unity.

During the morning hours, students have their “main lesson” which is devoted to the study of a particular academic discipline, taught in blocks lasting from three to five weeks. This rotation of subjects allows for a concentrated, in-depth study while recognizing students’ need for variety and time to digest the subject matter. Main lesson is a lively, interactive time, moving between artistic and intellectual activities that engage each student’s faculties of thinking, feeling, and willing.
Walking from class to class, one sees evidence of a curriculum that has been carefully chosen to provide reassurance and support for the inner stages of growth. One might find the younger children delving into language skills through the recitation of playful verses and masterful poetry, clapping rhythmically through the times tables, or developing dexterity through flute playing. In the third and fourth grade classrooms, the children may be creatively mapping their classroom and community, and studying practical skills such as home building, farming, and measuring.

Stepping into the older grades, one might find the students working on a play based on the ancient cultures they are studying, or honing their observation skills in a physics lesson. All students interest and enthusiasm is reflected in their main lesson books, an artistic representation of what has been learned. Special subjects are a vital component of Woodland’s curriculum and include: Spanish, German, Handwork, Music, Nature Studies, Games, Gardening and Woodworking.
The vital importance of movement, fresh air, and play is woven in to the school day. Nature studies, games and movement, gardening, and woodworking classes are generally held outside as well as two recess periods and free play at lunch. Main lesson teachers are also often found conducting part of the class outside. Our beautiful 19 acre campus bordered by forest land is a conducive to such outdoor exploration.